
12 December 2023


Haxby And Wigginton


West Area


Haxby Town Council



Application at:

25 Orchard Paddock Haxby York YO32 3DW


Single storey side and rear extension and dormer to rear following removal of garage


Mr E Pearson

Application Type:

Full Application

Target Date:

16 November 2023


Householder Approval




1.1    This application seeks permission for the erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear of a single storey semi-detached dwelling in Haxby, along with the erection of 1no. dormer to the rear roof slope, following the removal of an existing garage.


1.2    The application has been brought to Planning Committee B under 2.2(e) of the Scheme of Delegation because the applicant is a serving Councillor.


Planning History


1.3    Permission was granted at Committee for a similar scheme, following amendments, in 2021 (20/02256/FUL). This permission has not been implemented, and the latest submission represents an update to the previously approved scheme.




National Planning Policy Framework


2.1    The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government's overarching planning policies, and at its heart is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Paragraph 130 (NPPF Chapter 12, ‘Achieving Well-Designed Places’) states that planning policies and decisions should ensure that developments will achieve a number of aims, including that they are sympathetic to local character, surrounding built environment and their landscape setting. The NPPF also places great importance on good design. Paragraph 134 says that development that is not well designed should be refused, especially where it fails to reflect local design policies and government guidance on design, taking into account any local design guidance and supplementary planning documents such as design guides and codes.


Draft Local Plan (2018)


2.2    The City of York Draft Local Plan was submitted for examination on 25 May 2018. It has now been subject to full examination. Modifications were consulted on in February 2023 following full examination. It is expected the plan will be adopted in 2024. The Draft Plan policies can be afforded weight in accordance with paragraph 48 of the NPPF.


2.3    Policy D11 (Extensions and Alterations to Existing Buildings) states that proposals to extend, alter or add to existing buildings will be supported where the design responds positively to its immediate architectural context, local character and history in terms of the use of materials, detailing, scale, proportion, landscape and space between buildings. Proposals should also sustain the significance of a heritage asset, positively contribute to the site's setting, protect the amenity of current and neighbouring occupiers, contribute to the function of the area and protect and incorporate trees.


Supplementary Planning Document 'House Extensions and Alterations' (2012)


2.4    The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) covering house extensions and alterations, dated December 2012 and referred to in Draft Local Plan Policy D11, provides guidance on all types on domestic types of development. The SPD provides guidance relating to such issues as privacy, overshadowing, oppressiveness and general amenity as well as advice which is specific to the design and size of particular types of extensions, alterations and detached buildings. A basic principle of this guidance is that any extension should normally be in keeping with the appearance, scale, design and character of both the existing dwelling and the road/street-scene it is located on. Furthermore, proposals should not unduly affect neighbouring amenity with particular regard to privacy, overshadowing and loss of light, over-dominance and loss of outlook.




Haxby Town Council


3.1    No comments received.




Neighbour consultation


4.1    No comments received.




Key Issues


5.1    Impact on the dwelling and character of the surrounding area; impact on neighbour amenity; Access/waste and cycle storage.


Comparison with previous scheme


5.2    A similar scheme was granted permission at Committee on 11 June 2021. The approved scheme involved more significant massing to the side of the dwelling, with the approved side extension sitting flush with the front elevation of the house, and with a side dormer incorporated to the hipped roofslope above.


5.3    The latest submission omits the approved side extension and side roof enlargement in favour of a hip-to-gable roof extension with large rear dormer. The newly proposed rear and side extension would be set back significantly from the front of the house, sitting towards the furthest rear extent of the side elevation of the house.


Impact on the dwelling and character of the surrounding area


5.4    The proposed side and rear extension would be of a reasonably subservient scale and sympathetic design and would lack public prominence given the proposed set back from the front elevation of the house, in accordance with paragraph 12.3 of the Council’s SPD. Its visual impact when viewed from the street would be similar to that of the existing detached garage, set to the rear of the house, which it would replace.


5.5    The proposed hip-to-gable roof extension, although a departure from the prevailing hipped roof form evident along the row of bungalows on the eastern side of the street, would not be considered to dominate the roof or cause the dwelling to appear unduly top-heavy or out of character with its neighbours, as per paragraphs 14.1 and 14.5 of the SPD. The proposed addition would be less visually impactful than the corresponding element which was previously granted permission. Whilst resulting in a loss of symmetry with the attached neighbouring bungalow, it is acknowledged that in isolation, a hip-to-gable conversion could be carried out without the need for planning permission, under permitted development rights.


5.6    The proposed rear dormer would be set below the main ridge, and would not be prominent in public views given its position on the house. When viewed from the street, the side of the dormer would not appear overly dominant in visual terms, and it is again acknowledged that this element, in isolation, would fall within permitted development limits.


5.7    The proposed roof light to the front roof slope would not have an undue impact on the visual amenity of the property.


5.8    When considered as a whole, the proposed additions to the dwelling would not constitute undue massing at the property and would not be considered to impact unduly on the visual amenity of the dwelling or wider street scene. The use of render above ground floor level to the side and rear elevations would not be considered to unduly dilute the overall brick-built character of the dwelling as a whole, and would provide a sympathetic visual separation between the existing bungalow and the proposed additions at roof level. The proposed solar panel arrays to the roof of the dormer and proposed rear offshoot would not be prominent when viewed from the street, and would not be considered to harm visual amenity in the location.


Impact on neighbour amenity


5.9    The proposed side and rear extension would not impact unduly on residential amenity. At the boundary with no.27, it would have a reasonable eaves height and would have no significant impact above that of the existing garage, being screened from the main neighbouring amenity space and rear-facing openings by the garage and rear offshoot in place at the adjacent property. The 3no. small side-facing windows in the adjacent offshoot are likely that these serve non-habitable rooms, or larger rooms served by other larger openings, and the siting of the extension to the north of these would not be considered to have an undue impact on light or outlook, in accordance with paragraph 13.2 of the SPD.


5.10  The proposed addition would be set a good distance from the side boundary with no.23 and would not impact unduly on light or outlook to this side.


5.11  Paragraph 14.2 of the SPD states that regard should be given to the impact of dormers on neighbour privacy, outlook and light. The proposed rear dormer would incorporate a Juliet balcony and a smaller opening, both serving bedrooms. Neither of these would be considered to introduce unacceptable overlooking of any neighbouring property. There would be an adequate separation distance between the dormer and the neighbour to the rear, and any overlooking of the neighbour at no.23 would be mitigated by the screening provided by the existing conservatory at the side boundary, and would not be out-of-keeping with the levels of overlooking to be expected from the relatively tight-knit residential layout of the area. It is noted that a similar degree of overlooking could result from a dormer erected in the same position using permitted development rights.


Access/waste & cycle storage


5.12  As existing, bin and cycle storage is largely achieved through the use of side driveway and detached garage set to the rear of the house. Although the proposal would result in the loss of external access to the rear of the property, internal access without entry to the main house would be achievable through the proposed extension, and the scheme would largely replicate the existing arrangement through its provision of internal garage storage and the retention of a stretch of driveway to the side of the house. Acceptable provision of waste and cycle storage would likely be achievable in this proposed layout, and it is not considered that the application should be resisted on these grounds.




6.1    The proposal is considered to comply with the National Planning Policy Framework (2023), policy D11 of the City of York Draft Local Plan (2018) and advice contained within Supplementary Planning Document 'House Extensions and Alterations'.


7.0  RECOMMENDATION:    Householder Approval


1       TIME2       Development start within three years


 2      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:-


Drawing No. 0507ACD01B (received 19th July 2023) - Alterations + Extensions

Drawing No. 0507ACD01D (received 19th July 2023) - Location + Site Plan


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


 3      The materials to be used externally shall be in accordance with details included on the submitted plans and application form.


Reason:  To achieve a visually acceptable form of development.




Notes to Applicant




In considering the application, The Local Planning Authority has implemented the requirements set out within the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 38) and having taken account of all relevant national guidance and local policies, considers the proposal to be satisfactory. For this reason, no amendments were sought during the processing of the application, and it was not necessary to work with the applicant/agent in order to achieve a positive outcome.


Contact details:

Case Officer:     Sam Baker

Tel No:                01904 551718